Powerhouse pujas in December 2018, don’t miss out!
Traditional Tibetan rituals by the monks of Phelgyeling Monastery
To end the year on a high note and kick off the new year with a bang, we’ll be hosting several power-charged pujas throughout the month of December in Wisdom Hall, Kechara Forest Retreat.
We’ve carefully chosen these pujas to provide you and your loved ones with powerful protection, purification, good health, wealth and abundance, and the blessings of the enlightened beings.
These traditional Tibetan pujas will be performed by the monks of Phelgyeling Monastery in Nepal alongside our very own puja house team, with full rituals and offerings.
Puja Schedule
Special Naga Puja for Healing, Wellbeing and Peace
Date: Friday, 21st December
Time: 9am – 12 noon
Admission: Free
Vajrayogini Self Initiation and Ruchok Purification Ritual
Date: Saturday, 22nd December
Time: 10am – 4.30pm
Admission: Free
Yangdup Wealth Summoning Puja
Date: Saturday 29th December
Time: 10am – 5pm
Admission: Free
Ruel Recharge Puja
Date: Sunday, 30th December
Time: 10am-2pm
Admission: Free
Read on for more information about each puja, how you can participate and what you should bring along.
Special Naga Puja for Healing, Wellbeing and Peace

Nagas are powerful beings with the ability to control the weather, increase fertility, and bring good fortune, wealth and positivity. However, they are sensitive and when offended, they can inflict diseases, create obstacles and natural disasters. In particular, many cancers, skin-related conditions and family problems arise due to us knowingly or unknowingly offending a naga.
Hence it’s wise to participate in naga pujas whenever the opportunity arises to please and appease the nagas.
The Special Naga Puja for Healing, Wellbeing and Peace is a combination of four naga-related pujas – Naga Torma Ritual, Naga Incense Ritual, Naga Recitation Ritual and 100 Tormas Offering Ritual. When done correctly, this puja can increase your health, wealth, fame, merits, resources, peace, prosperity and spiritual growth.

How you can participate
Admission is free and all are welcome. You are encouraged to attend this potent puja in person. It is important to observe a strict vegetarian diet with no black foods (onions, garlic, meat, fish, eggs, radishes, alcohol) one day before and on the day of the puja itself. You should also observe a high level of personal hygiene on the day of the puja.
Suggested contribution:
Any amount is welcome.
We are also seeking a grand sponsor for this puja for RM3500.
Vajrayogini Self Initiation and Ruchok Purification Ritual

The Vajrayogini self-initiation ceremony is a complex, elaborate ritual that has great significance for both initiates and non-initiates. For the uninitiated, participating in the Vajrayogini self-initiation creates the causes for us to receive Vajrayogini’s practice in the future. For the initiated, the ceremony mends and reaffirms our vows taken previously, and purifies downfalls that could prevent us from gaining attainments from our practice.
The second part of the puja is Vajrayogini Ruchok, the purification ritual for hair and bones. Ruchok can be performed for both humans and animals. During the ceremony, the hair/nails of the living and the ashes of the deceased are blessed and “transformed” into Vajrayogini.
Upon completion of this sacred ritual, we’ll mix these consecrated remains with other holy items, and shape them into tsa tsas. These tsa tsas will then be inserted into the 9-foot Dorje Shugden statue that will be enthroned in Kechara Forest Retreat at the end of January 2019.
In this manner, every being who is blessed in the Ruchok Purification Ritual will remain strongly connected to Vajrayogini, Dorje Shugden and Kechara in this and future lives.

How you can participate
Admission is free and all are welcome. You are encouraged to submit any of the following items at Kechara House, Petaling Jaya or Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong by Thursday 20th December 2018.
- Hair from the crown of the head (for the living)
- Bones or ashes (for the deceased)
- Fur or feathers of your pets
Suggested contribution:
Any amount is welcome (suggested contribution is RM100 per submission)
We are also seeking a grand sponsor for this puja for RM6500.
Important Notes:
- Items from each person or pet should be submitted in individual Ziploc bags (one bag per item)
- Only a small amount of hair/ash/bone is required
- Label each bag with the name of the person/animal to whom it belongs
- Indicate if the item belongs to a person or animal
- Indicate if the item belongs to a living or deceased being
- Indicate your name and phone number in case we need to contact you.

Yangdup Wealth Summoning Puja

Yangdup is an elaborate wealth-summoning ceremony traditionally performed once a year in all Tibetan monasteries. The ritual invokes upon the energies of the wealth deities to generate material resources, abundance and prosperity. This not only provides sustenance for the sponsors, monasteries, dharma centres and participants but also for the growth of Buddha’s sacred teachings.
As part of the Yangdup Wealth Summoning Puja, Kechara’s Wealth Box will be opened to replenish the perishable offerings within and to add on even more precious items to symbolise ever growing abundance. At the conclusion of this power-charged ritual, the Wealth Box is then consecrated, blessed and sealed until the following year.
The merits accumulated from participating in the Yangdup puja are tremendous, not only in terms of generating material wealth but also for increase in all other aspects of life such as health, longevity, and spiritual riches, which is ultimately what we all seek.

How you can contribute
Admission is free and all are welcome. We seek your kind sponsorship to cover the costs of the Yangdup puja, the replenishment of wealth box offerings and new items to be placed into the wealth box.
- Grand sponsor: RM10,000
- General sponsor: RM1,000
There are also opportunities to sponsor individual items to be placed inside the Wealth Box such as auspicious animals, cubic zirconia, medicines and herbs, offering items and more. View the complete offering list at VajraSecrets.com.
How you can participate
Admission is free and all are welcome. You are encouraged to bring along your wealth vase or wealth pills (Yang Dzay Rilbu) to the Yangdup Wealth Summoning Puja to be recharged and re-energised. You are also encouraged to submit a token monetary sum (notes only, no coins) that will be placed inside the “wealth bag” within the wealth box.
Alternatively you can submit your items to Kechara House, PJ or Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong by Wednesday 27th December.
If you would like to invite a wealth vase or wealth pills, you can do so at Vajrasecrets.com. Orders placed before 28th December 2018 will be entitled to complimentary* consecration and energising at the Yangdup puja.
* Offer available with any invitation of a Chinese New Year package. Know more here.
Suggested contribution
RM250 per wealth vase
Important Notes:
- Only Wealth Vases of enlightened beings are permitted.
- Personal items and monetary sums placed in the wealth box cannot be returned. Each item should be placed in a ziplock bag and labeled with your name. Personal items should not have Buddha images.
Ruel Recharge Puja

Within the renowned Tibetan tantric system of protection, ruels are the most supreme of all. Traditionally handmade every ten years, Tibetan ruels contain nearly a hundred secret and blessed ingredients. They are consecrated by senior members of the Tibetan monastic community, in a careful process involving pujas and mantras for three consecutive nights, to seal the energies of the Buddhas and Dharma Protectors within.
The Ruel Recharge Puja is a powerful ritual which renews and recharges the potent energies of protection contained within this protective amulet. In this way, your ruel will continue to be an extremely effective antidote against persistent harm caused by spirits, curses and black magic and will protect you against obstacles and negativities.
How you can participate
You are encouraged to bring your ruels or chakras along to the Ruel Recharge Puja so that they can be re-energised with the blessed energies of the Tantric Buddha Yamantaka and the Dharma Protectors Kalarupa, Dorje Shugden and Setrap.
Alternatively you can submit your ruels to Kechara House, PJ or Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong by Thursday 28th December.
If you would like to invite a ruel or chakra, you can do so at Vajrasecrets.com. Orders placed before 29th December 2018 will be entitled to complimentary energising at the Ruel Recharge Puja.
Suggested contribution
Any amount is welcome (suggested contribution is RM50 per ruel)
To RSVP your attendance or for further enquiries, sponsorship and volunteering opportunities, please contact us at 03-7803 3908, 09-222 3880, 012 987 3908 or care@kechara.com.