The Three Principal Aspects of the Path revolves around the topics of Renunciation, Bodhicitta and Wisdom. Composed by Lama Tsongkhapa in poetic verse, it contains the essence of Buddha’s complete teachings and is one of the most popular texts on the stages of the path to enlightenment.
You are invited to a free talk on the topic of Renunciation, the first part of this essential teaching. Along with the Lamrim, this is prerequisite study material for anyone aspiring to receive higher tantric initiations like Yamantaka and Vajra Yogini.
Event Details
This free talk is part of our Preparing for Tantra series. All talks will be held in-person at Kechara Forest Retreat. A good grounding in Buddhism is recommended for anyone who wishes to attend this series of talks.
Historical Origins
This seminal text was originally transmitted to Lama Tsongkhapa by the Bodhisattva Manjushri in a pure vision. In fact, it was Manjushri who gave the name ‘Three Principal Aspects of the Path’ or Lam Gyi Tsowo Nam Sum to this set of teachings.
Later on, Tsako Ngawang Drakpa (an earlier incarnation of H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche) wrote to Lama Tsongkhapa from Eastern Tibet, requesting advice on how to practise the Dharma.
In response to his request, Lama Tsongkhapa transmitted the Three Principal Aspects of the Path to him. As the first person to receive these teachings, Tsako Ngawang Drakpa’s name has since become synonymous with it.